"Peggy Garner " Ms.Garner has Written,Produced and Directed major stage plays such as,"The Foolish, The Wise & The Virtuous Woman, You Ungrateful Thing You-A Holiday Special, Rise Up My Brother & Walk -(A Black History Production)
A Silent Cry-A Soul Winner's Production Peggy Garner has also created "Five New Sitcoms"!! Honey, Your Ex Wife Was A Gold Digger Sheeka Wants A Man Ms.Geraldine, Claudie & Phebee Uncle Ray Ray Moves In Hallelujah,
A Real Virtuous Woman
Ms. Garner created a "Teenage Television Christian Game Show" "Hit That Buzzer & make It Ring" A Comedy CD Freeda Mae Jenkins (About church folk) Peggy G. is seeking her place in the television and film industry.
If you are a producer and interested in working with Peggy G. to produce her stage plays, teleplays, films and or sitcoms please contact us ASAP