Ray Kruzz is an urban minority journalist reaching for community empowerment.
Ray's vision is to gain minority control back to the people by 'kruzzN tha streetz' of many communities of diversified cultures. His objective is to provide the viewers with a broader concept of urbanism from peoples that are in hip-hop, fashion, 'hood' and models community.
Ray's "KruzzN tha Streetz" shows an in dept perspective on the people in our community with many different shades of color.
"Kruzz Enterprise" is the production company of "Ray Kruzz" in which he films short film documentary clips of today's urban world.
The short film shows inspirational innovative community videos of up comings artists and very well known celebrites in a traditional as well as non-traditional setting that Ray calls "kruzz control".
Make sure to look for "future and past community kruzz control"in multiple locations in diffrent destinations.

Click the link below :
Kruzzent@gmail.com for booking and hosting/film operations